kt ucloud vm - openAPI test -- php version
[ https://ucloudbiz.olleh.com/ ]
ucloudbiz r개발자센터 Open API http://developer.ucloudbiz.olleh.com
api key : 45xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx your api key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyQ
secret key : 97xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx your secret key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7Q
prerequisite :
kt ucloud account
check your both api key and secret key, they are required to go proceed
vmware server
my test environment :
os : centos
2 vm [ vm-1 : free pack , vm-2 : 1 core, 1g ram, 100 disk ]
1. yum install php # required php
2. vi callAPI.php # auth key generation
3. vi testAPI.php # put your api key and secret key and specify command you want
3. ./testAPI.php # execute
* Java sample source is also available to do same thing.
[root@f6706ff4 api]# ./testAPI.php
[virtualmachine] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => a359ab40-497d-4b49-84ec-14bf56dee4c5
[name] => a359ab40-497d-4b49-84ec-14bf56dee4c5
[displayname] => j_ucloud
[account] => EPC_M149409_S1820
[domainid] => 849e8028-dafc-4ad6-a649-800221fdf834
[domain] => EPC_USER
[created] => 2013-07-10T12:34:40+0900
[state] => Running
[haenable] => true
[zoneid] => eceb5d65-6571-4696-875f-5a17949f3317
[zonename] => kr-1
[templateid] => dcc1a0b3-9f47-49af-ab66-a41c6825801c
[templatename] => CentOS 5.4 64bit kernel 0105
[templatedisplaytext] => CentOS 5.4 64bit
[passwordenabled] => true
[serviceofferingid] => 647ea205-6bc3-435d-aaf5-15f6c6356d19
[serviceofferingname] => micro instance 2
[cpunumber] => 1
[cpuspeed] => 1000
[memory] => 512
[cpuused] => 0.09%
[networkkbsread] => 201
[networkkbswrite] => 8
[guestosid] => df724ef6-9f43-4214-b3af-dd5af75c266c
[rootdeviceid] => 0
[rootdevicetype] => IscsiLUN
[nic] => Array
[id] => b5042122-8694-4e35-bc0f-33e06b249e85
[networkid] => 92f04e5e-3aeb-4dae-b9e3-d4b426d92724
[netmask] =>
[gateway] =>
[ipaddress] =>
[traffictype] => Guest
[type] => Isolated
[isdefault] => true
[macaddress] => 02:00:03:ad:00:01
[hypervisor] => XenServer
[1] => Array
[id] => f6706ff4-5992-4f1a-97e1-d8e593f59228
[name] => f6706ff4-5992-4f1a-97e1-d8e593f59228
[displayname] => h001
[account] => EPC_M149409_S1820
[domainid] => 849e8028-dafc-4ad6-a649-800221fdf834
[domain] => EPC_USER
[created] => 2013-07-10T14:27:21+0900
[state] => Running
[haenable] => true
[zoneid] => eceb5d65-6571-4696-875f-5a17949f3317
[zonename] => kr-1
[templateid] => c2e4c0f2-2bc7-444c-a280-59f5b42dbf11
[templatename] => CentOS_6.3_64bit(20120927)
[templatedisplaytext] => CentOS 6.3 64bit
[passwordenabled] => true
[serviceofferingid] => c504e367-20d6-47c6-a82c-183b12d357f2
[serviceofferingname] => tier2 1core 1GB Instance. Virtual Networking
[cpunumber] => 1
[cpuspeed] => 2000
[memory] => 1024
[cpuused] => 0.15%
[networkkbsread] => 933
[networkkbswrite] => 577
[guestosid] => 9d889194-9ec6-4902-92fd-ba3d3d69ff8f
[rootdeviceid] => 0
[rootdevicetype] => NetworkFilesystem
[nic] => Array
[id] => bf36550c-fcaa-4e17-816c-7c7cad8d8249
[networkid] => 92f04e5e-3aeb-4dae-b9e3-d4b426d92724
[netmask] =>
[gateway] =>
[ipaddress] =>
[traffictype] => Guest
[type] => Isolated
[isdefault] => true
[macaddress] => 02:00:1b:26:00:05
[hypervisor] => XenServer
[count] => 2
[root@f6706ff4 api]# vi testAPI.php
#!/usr/bin/php -q
include './callAPI.php';
$URL = "https://api.ucloudbiz.olleh.com/server/v1/client/api?";
$APIKEY = "45xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyQ";
$SECRET = "97xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7Q";
$cmdArr = array(
"command" => "listVirtualMachines",
"apikey" => $APIKEY
print_r(callCommand($URL, $cmdArr, $SECRET));
[root@f6706ff4 api]#vi callAPI.php
function objectsIntoArray($arrObjData, $arrSkipIndices = array())
$arrData = array();
if (is_object($arrObjData))
$arrObjData = get_object_vars($arrObjData);
if (is_array($arrObjData))
foreach ($arrObjData as $index => $value)
if (is_object($value) || is_array($value))
$value = objectsIntoArray($value, $arrSkipIndices);
if (in_array($index, $arrSkipIndices))
$arrData[$index] = $value;
return $arrData;
function callCommand($URL, $cmdArr, $SECRET)
$fArray = array_keys($cmdArr);
$vArray = array_values($cmdArr);
$f = array(); $v = array(); $cmd = array(); $cmd1 = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($cmdArr); $i++ )
$f[$i] = strtolower(urlencode($fArray[$i]));
$v[$i] = strtolower(urlencode($vArray[$i]));
array_push($cmd, $f[$i]."=".$v[$i]);
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($cmdArr); $i++ )
array_push($cmd1, $fArray[$i]."=".$vArray[$i]);
$cmdStr = "";
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($cmd); $i++)
if ( $i == count($cmd) - 1 )
$cmdStr = $cmdStr . $cmd[$i];
$cmdStr = $cmdStr . $cmd[$i] . "&";
$signature = urlencode(base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha1", $cmdStr, $SECRET, true)));
$url = $URL;
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($cmd1); $i++)
$url = $url . $cmd1[$i] . "&";
$xmlUrl = $url . "signature=" . $signature;
$orig_error_reporting = error_reporting();
$arrXml = objectsIntoArray(simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($xmlUrl)));
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