LANGUAGES (16) 썸네일형 리스트형 CareerUp English for S/W Engineers Plz keep them in mind == Today Expressions (Questions) == How did they hear about our product? 어떻게 들은거야 Why were they interested in talking to us? 왜 우리랑 이야기를 하고 싶은 거지 What triggered their interests on our product ? 무엇땜시 우리제품에 관심을 가진겨 What options are they considering? 무엇을 고려중인거야 Why are they considering these other options? 왜 다른 옵션들을 고려하는거지 What is the consequence if the prospect misses their ti.. Difference between Will and Be going to Following site has a lot of sources to make them clear regarding tenses in english. Will is used: 1. Lack of certainty when predicting something - possibility. E.g. I think it will rain tonight. (The speaker is not sure whether or not it will's just a possibility) 2. Spontaneous Decisions / Offer - as an immediate reply to somethin.. It always seems impossible until it's done It always seems impossible until it's done 줌 포털 12위 IETLS TESOL / IELTS / TOEFL / GRE 8주 IELTS(아이엘츠)는 영국이나 호주, 뉴질랜드 등 영연방 국가에 유학이나 연수, 이민 예정자를 위한 시험으로 인식되었지만 현재는 미국, 캐나다 등지에서 이민,대학교 입학,편입 등 점차 IELTS점수의 통용 범위가 점차 넓어지고 있다. 현재는 세계적인 영어평가 시험으로 이민이나 유학을 선택할 때 필요한 IELTS(International English Language Testing System)에 대한 인지도가 급상승하면서 IELTS(아이엘츠) 시험평가 시스템에 대한 관심도 높아지고 있다. 현재 IELTS(아이엘츠)는 전세계 105개국 230개 기관에서 실시하고 있다. 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기, 말.. My whole body is aching I have a cold(flu) I am nauseous 속이 미식거리다. I feel like throwing up. 토할 것 같아 I am dizzy. I am lightheaded. I have a sore throat / cough / runny nose / back pain My whole body is aching 몸이 쑤시다. My body aches. I have a fever / mild or high fever What have you done since then ? You were in one of my EXL Classes a couple of years ago. What have you done since then ? Yes, I took your writing classes in 2009. Last year I got my associate's degree and transferred to a four-year college. When did you come to United States ? I came here in 2005. you've done a lot in a short time. How did you do it ? Well, after your class I enrolled in a conversation class which forced me to.. May I have the check please. Would you like tap or bottled water ? Tap is fine Would you like to hear our specials for today ? Yes, your entree special, please. For our main course we have stuffed flounder, filet mignon [fílei-mí:njən] (소의 두터운 허리고기), and roast duck. How much is the stuffed flounder ? It's $ 17.99, and comes with two side dishes. What are the side dishes ? You have a choice of sauteed spinach (시금치), lemon po.. I'm afraid I have to disagree with you I wouldn't do that. I would... But if we... I'm afraid I have to disagree with you. Don't get me wrong, ... Even so, if... Don't forget that... Very true, but... I wouldn't do that. I'd speak to the teacher first and see what she says. But if we don't make those investments, we'll risk loosing market share. Don't get me wrong, I just think we should look at some other options before making a dec.. 이전 1 2 다음