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TigerGraph Conferences and Webinars by Jacob Jo Seoul ONSITE : Graph Conference Conrad Hotel - 26th October 2022 ============================================================================ Invitation Only : C level and IT decision maker - around 50 joined and had a great lunch at Conrad Hotel No recordings. Only some pictures. Public Webinar 29th September 2022 - 최신 그래프 데이터베이스 기술 최적 활용 전략 ===========================================================..
MariaDB Conferences and Webinars by Jacob Jo Seoul Public Webinar : Xpand 20 node cluster on AWS Cloud - Live Demo 8th September 2021 Actual Live Hands on Demo Powerful TPS/QPS, Sysbench Test, Node Down(Termination), Service Running Check during Failover Adding 10 nodes at a time and Dropping nodes while running service https://youtu.be/ejq5zUygeXw?t=4636 MariaDB Wibainr June 2021 - Oracle Migration to MariaDB Speaker Jacob Jo, and I invited our..
Graph Database TigerGraph Activities by Jacob Jo ONSITE : Graph Conference Conrad Hotel - 26th October 2022 엔코아 데이터데이 발표자 : 이화식 대표(엔코아), 최미영 상무(엔코아), 조현기 기술이사(타이거그래프) Invitation Only : C level and IT decision maker - around 50 joined and had a great lunch at Conrad Hotel No recordings. Only some pictures. 발표자 : 이화식 대표(엔코아), 최미영 상무(엔코아), 조현기 기술이사(타이거그래프) Source : http://www.itdaily.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=210841 [화제의 현장] “그래프DB, 데이터 분석의 ..
자연어 처리 Word2Vec 김기영님 강의 https://github.com/kiyoungkim1/ReadyToUseAI GitHub - kiyoungkim1/ReadyToUseAI: Ready-To-Use AI Ready-To-Use AI. Contribute to kiyoungkim1/ReadyToUseAI development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com Korpora 한국어 자연어 처리 관련 팩키지 말뭉치 https://github.com/ko-nlp/Korpora GitHub - ko-nlp/Korpora: Korean corpus repository Korean corpus repository. Contribute to ko-nlp/Korpora development b..
TG Enterprise Graph CREATE QUERY CompanyHolders(vertex company, uint step) FOR GRAPH EnterpriseGraph syntax v2 { /** * CompanyHolders query finds all key investors of a company within several steps. * --- Dataset has been shrunk on Nov.20th,2020 --- * Some interesting input parameters you can try: * 1. company: Hospice Mocha Frame, step: 5 * 2. company: Psychoanalyst Purse Prior, step: 4 * 3. company: Hospice Loyal..
graph database and pointer (structure) RDB 에 비해 왜 관계에 대해 그래프가 훨씬 빠를 수 있는가에 대해 직접적인 내용을 다뤄주고 있는 포스팅을 가져와 봤다 Instead of storing additional data (the reference) in our data tables as attributes explicitly, the graph database system can store true memory pointers to the next related entity. Most graph database systems store data in a structure similar to linked lists. They store direct links to data which is connected, rather than simila..
TigerGraph 101 part 1~ 4 + 코드 Part One of TigerGraph 101 - An Intro to Graph https://youtu.be/qay0GJJ28W8 Part Two - TigerGraph 101 - Data Prep and Converting a Relational Dataset to Graph https://youtu.be/gNk5tTkIXJw TigerGraph 101 Part 3 - Schema Modeling and Data Loading https://youtu.be/sJ5o_b_9G0s TigerGraph 101 Part 4 - Querying and Beyond https://youtu.be/dP7ammiYqQ0
GSQL101 Global 변수 이해하기 GSQL101 Global 변수 이해하기 SetAccum 중복제거집합 (중복제거O) ListAccum 넣은대로집합 (중복제거X) BagAccum 넣은대로집합 (중복제거X) i.e. @@Bag += (2,3,4,2,5) TYPEDEF tuple users ; HeapAccum (키밸류 형태로 관리가능 + 정렬하면서 특정개수만 유지 가능) HeapAccum(3, value DESC) @@Heap ; :: 값을 3개 저장 Value DESC 기준으로 계속 갱신되지만 세개만 유지관리 @@Heap += users("UserA", 100) MapAccum (*키 밸류 형태로 관리가능) MapAccum @@Map ; ::: 밸류 측에 SumAccum 을 통해 누적 @@Map += (1->1); 왼쪽 1 이라는 Key..