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Graphdatabase 이해 https://youtu.be/yOYodfN84N4 3차원적 연결 ? 3차원적 연결로 보면 어떻게 될까 ? 하나의 Vertex 는 수많은 Vertex (자신을 포함) 들과 관계를 가진다. 이는 Egde 들에 선언되어 있다
마리아디비 스탠다드 개발자 cheat sheet
Galera Cluster in Multi-Data Center Galera Cluster in Multi-Data Center HA ? TO-BE (In the future) 위 아키텍처는 매우 특정한 경우 (쓰기가 거의 없고, 읽기는 완전 무결하게 보장하는 수준이 필요한) 에 한정하며 가능한 Multi-Region/Data Center 요구사항이 있다면 Xpand 매우 적극적으로 고려해 보시기 바랍니다
TigerGraph World II To be continued ... https://youtu.be/O_z0e75PM9A Feature Selelction and Feature Engineering are always necessary when doing any analsys SimRank SimRank is a general similarity measure, based on a simple and intuitive graph-theoretic model. SimRank is applicable in any domain with object-to-object relationships, that measures similarity of the structural context in which objects occur, based on t..
TigerGraph World Now Learning Graph Database, One top product providing parallel processing and scale-out https://tgcloud.io/app/solutions/create TigerGraph Cloud Portal tgcloud.io https://github.com/tigergraph/gsql-graph-algorithms GitHub - tigergraph/gsql-graph-algorithms: GSQL Graph Algorithms GSQL Graph Algorithms. Contribute to tigergraph/gsql-graph-algorithms development by creating an account on GitHub. g..
One of the authors of the book [Data Architecture Professional] It was a great honor for me. Since it was published in 2013, This 2020 edition has lots of change on chapters and contents. I've joined as one of the authors of the book [Data Architecture Professional] published in 2020 The main text book for Government Certificate (Keeping passing rate under 10% for many years)
Jacob Jo - MariaDB This is Jacob Jo's space and some of history - Community Activity - Confernce & Webinar - Offline Seminar 국가공인 데이터아키텍처전문가 / 한국데이터산업진흥원 In 2019-202, I joined as an author(집필진) for revision, and helped some parts of this book , "과목Ⅴ 데이터베이스 설계와 이용". This book is a text book for Government Certification which is specifically designed for Data Architecture Professionals cf. http://www.yes24.com/Produ..
Xpand (fomerly clustrixdb) supported functions Supported Functions and Operators ClustrixDB supports the following functions and operators: := ! != * / & && % ^ + | || ~ ABS ACOS ADDDATE ADDTIME AES_DECRYPT AES_ENCRYPT ASCII ASIN ATAN ATAN2 AVG BETWEEN AND If one of the values being compared for BETWEEN is NULL, ClustrixDB will return NULL BIN BINARY OPERATOR BIT_AND BIT_COUNT BIT_LENGTH BIT_OR BIT_XOR CASE CAST CEIL CEILING CHAR Function CH..