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카테고리 없음

start munging









ch <- odbcConnect("oodbc", uid="HADOOP", pwd="ms*******")

sqlQuery(ch, ("select cs.movie_name,

cs.comment_timing   b_timing,

cs.number_of_comment b_num_comm,

csa.comment_timing a_timing,

csa.number_of_comment a_num_comm,

csa.score_average avg_comm,

ml.director, ml.production, ml.ditributor distributor,

ml.release_date, ml.nationality, ml.audience_all, ml.audience_seoul,

ml.screen_no_all, ml.genre, ml.viewing_class, ml.synopsys

from (select * from m_all_comment_score where comment_timing = 'before') cs,

movie_list ml ,

(select * from m_all_comment_score where comment_timing = 'after') csa

where cs.code = ml.movie_id(+)

and cs.code = csa.code(+)

order by cs.number_of_comment desc

; "))

sqlQuery(ch, ("select cs.movie_name,

cs.comment_timing   b_timing,

cs.number_of_comment b_num_comm,

csa.comment_timing a_timing,

csa.number_of_comment a_num_comm,

csa.score_average avg_comm,

ml.director, ml.production, ml.ditributor distributor,

ml.release_date, ml.nationality, ml.audience_all, ml.audience_seoul,

ml.screen_no_all, ml.genre, ml.viewing_class

from (select * from m_all_comment_score where comment_timing = 'before') cs,

movie_list ml ,

(select * from m_all_comment_score where comment_timing = 'after') csa

where cs.code = ml.movie_id(+)

and cs.code = csa.code(+)

order by cs.number_of_comment desc

; "))

sqlQuery(ch, ("select * from (select cs.movie_name,

cs.comment_timing   b_timing,

cs.number_of_comment b_num_comm,

csa.comment_timing a_timing,

csa.number_of_comment a_num_comm,

csa.score_average avg_comm,

ml.director, ml.production, ml.ditributor distributor,

ml.release_date, ml.nationality, ml.audience_all, ml.audience_seoul,

ml.screen_no_all, ml.genre, ml.viewing_class

from (select * from m_all_comment_score where comment_timing = 'before') cs,

movie_list ml ,

(select * from m_all_comment_score where comment_timing = 'after') csa

where cs.code = ml.movie_id(+)

and cs.code = csa.code(+)

order by cs.number_of_comment desc) X where rownum =< 10

; "))

sqlQuery(ch, ("select * from (select cs.movie_name,

cs.comment_timing   b_timing,

cs.number_of_comment b_num_comm,

csa.comment_timing a_timing,

csa.number_of_comment a_num_comm,

csa.score_average avg_comm,

ml.director, ml.production, ml.ditributor distributor,

ml.release_date, ml.nationality, ml.audience_all, ml.audience_seoul,

ml.screen_no_all, ml.genre, ml.viewing_class

from (select * from m_all_comment_score where comment_timing = 'before') cs,

movie_list ml ,

(select * from m_all_comment_score where comment_timing = 'after') csa

where cs.code = ml.movie_id(+)

and cs.code = csa.code(+)

order by cs.number_of_comment desc) X where rownum <= 10

; "))

cs <- sqlQuery(ch, ("select * from (select cs.movie_name,

cs.comment_timing   b_timing,

cs.number_of_comment b_num_comm,

csa.comment_timing a_timing,

csa.number_of_comment a_num_comm,

csa.score_average avg_comm,

ml.director, ml.production, ml.ditributor distributor,

ml.release_date, ml.nationality, ml.audience_all, ml.audience_seoul,

ml.screen_no_all, ml.genre, ml.viewing_class

from (select * from m_all_comment_score where comment_timing = 'before') cs,

movie_list ml ,

(select * from m_all_comment_score where comment_timing = 'after') csa

where cs.code = ml.movie_id(+)

and cs.code = csa.code(+)

order by cs.number_of_comment desc) X where rownum <= 10

; "))



