Title : US Tracking Suspected North Korean Vessel
The US military is reportedly following the movements of a North Korean ship... suspected of carrying a weapons-related cargo.
The ship is the first to be tracked... since the United Nations Security Council adopted a new resolution sanctioning Pyeongyang for its nuclear test last month.
Kim Seok reports.
The American media is reporting that the United States Navy is tracking a North Korean vessel that is suspected to be carrying weaponry... feared to be missile components... or even nuclear materials.
US officials say the ship... called the ''Kang Nam''... has been under continuous surveillance since it left a North Korean port on Wednesday... and is now in international waters.
This is the first ship to be monitored under the latest United Nations sanctions... recently adopted... after the communist state conducted its second nuclear test last month.
A senior Pentagon official says the ship in question has been involved in weapons proliferation activities in the past.
As UN Security Council resolution 1874 does not allow for forced inspections of vessels... the US Navy is likely to track the ship until it reaches port for refueling.
Pyeongyang has warned that the boarding and inspection of vessels belonging to the North would be considered an act of war.
US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman... Admiral Mike Mullen... stressed that in the event that the suspected ship's crew refuses to allow for inspection of its cargo... the US military could direct the vessel to a convenient port... and then request that the UN arrange an inspection by local authorities.
Kim Seok, Arirang News.
Title : US Says It Is Ready for North Korea's Missile Attack
Meanwhile, the US military is said to be bracing for a possible missile attack by North Korea.
Following news that Pyeongyang may be preparing to launch a missile toward Hawaii... Washington's top defense official says... the US is ready with its missile interception strategy.
Jang Souie has details.
The United States says it is prepared... should North Korea fire a missile towards Hawaii.
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates told reporters on Thursday... that he does have concerns that the communist state may ''launch a missile... in the direction of Hawaii.''
But he also said America is in a ''good position'' to protect its territory and people... saying that he has approved the deployment of a missile defense system... ''should it become necessary.''
Gates also expressed his confidence over being able to intercept a North Korean missile attack... during a Senate hearing last week.
[INTERVIEW : Robert Gates, US Secretary of Defense] ''The ground based interceptors in Alaska and California clearly are an important element of defense against rogue state launches and I would say in particular North Korea.''
A Japanese newspaper reported on Thursday... that Japan's Defense Ministry believes that North Korea is planning another ballistic missile launch... possibly to coincide with Independence Day in the US... which falls on the fourth of July.
Japan predicts that it could be a Taepodong-2 missile slated for launch... which has a range of up to 6-thousand-500 kilometers.
But this is still not enough to reach Hawaii... as the islands are 7-thousand kilometers away from the North's Dongchang-ni site... from which the long-range missile is expected to be fired.
There is a possibility that North Korea may aim towards Japan's Okinawa island... or even Guam... but this is said to be ''extremely unlikely'' as missile debris could fall to foreign territory before reaching the targets.
Jang Souie, Arirang News.
Title : US Treasury Dept. Warns Banks of Possible ''Deceptive Practices'' by North Korea
The US Treasury Department is calling on American banks to be on high alert for ''deceptive practices'' by North Korea... aimed at evading financial sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council.
In an advisory... treasury officials urged for stringent scrutiny of transactions... that may involve accounts related to North Korean banks... or individuals acting on behalf of North Korean entities.
The alert comes as part of Washington's efforts to hinder possible financing of Pyeongyang's nuclear and missile activities.
Observers say... it's also an indication of the Barack Obama administration's determination... to see that the new sanctions imposed on the Kim Jong-il regime are effectively implemented.
Title : N. Korea May Lift Measures Imposed on Gaeseong Last December
Another round of inter-Korean talks took place on this Friday over the future of the Gaeseong Industrial Complex.
That's the manufacturing estate run by the two Koreas in the North Korean city of Gaeseong.
Although deep differences remain between the two sides over key issues... North Korea is said to have shown some willingness to compromise.
Ahn Ji-su has the latest.
The two Koreas remained divided on Friday... over key issues related to the Gaeseong industrial complex.
Seoul's Unification Ministry says the North reiterated demands made last week... including raising the monthly salary of its workers in the complex to 300 US dollars... from the current 75... and land rental fees to 500-million dollars.
Pyeongyang wanted to negotiate rental fees first... but Seoul has been refusing to make any changes.
South Korean land developers already paid 16-million dollars to cover 50 years of rent... back in 2004.
Seoul, for its part, reiterated its demand for the prompt release of a South Korean national who has been detained in the North for over 80 days.
[INTERVIEW : Kim Young-tak, Head of the South Korean delegation] ''Although the North refused to take a letter from the detainee's family, they asked us to tell them that he has no problems.''
The South Korean delegation also presented three major principles for the stable development of the Gaeseong complex... including establishing a norm of compliance for inter-Korean agreements and contracts.
Seoul also proposed the two Koreas inspect industrial parks in other nations together... to get an idea of how to make Gaeseong more internationally competitive.
Pyeongyang did not make any comments on these proposals... but hinted at the possibility of compromise.
[INTERVIEW : Chun Hae-sung, Unification Ministry Spokesman] ''North Korea expressed its will to lift the December 1st measures that limited land passage and residence in the North, in order to solve some of the management problems of businesses in the complex.''
Last December Pyeongyang enforced stricter restrictions on border passage... and drastically cut down the number of South Koreans allowed to stay at Gaeseong.
These measures have resulted in great difficulties for the more than 100 South Korean businesses operating there.
The two Koreas are meeting again on July 2nd for further negotiations.
Ahn Ji-su, Arirang News.
Title : Additional Six H1N1 Cases Confirmed in Korea, Raising Total to 90
Korea's Center for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed six more people as H1N1 positive, bringing the country's total number of influenza A infections to 90.
Choi You-sun looks at the flu situation here and around the world.
Authorities in Seoul confirmed six additional cases of H1N1 influenza on Friday... raising the total number the country has seen to 90.
The health ministry says five of the six cases involve Korean students who immediately began showing flu-like symptoms upon returning home from the United States... for their summer vacation.
The sixth patient is a 7-year-old boy whose family recently emigrated back to Korea from Guatemala.
Four others in the family have not shown symptoms.
As expected, the influx of people in time for the holiday season has hindered control over the viral transmission... and officials are encouraging people to take care of symptoms before boarding planes... and to report any symptoms at the airport.
Over in Australia, a 26-year-old man died after he was confirmed to have the H1N1 virus.
State officials didn't clarify the exact cause of death... as the man was reportedly suffering from several other illnesses.
If confirmed he died from the flu virus, it would be the first H1N1 death in that country.
In the latest tally, the World Health Organization says Australia has the fifth largest number of people infected with the flu virus, surpassing 2-thousand... while the US has the most.
The number of cases worldwide is now near 40-thousand in 89 countries, and 1-hundred-67 people have succumbed to the disease.
Choi You-sun, Arirang News.
Title : President Lee Meets Delegates to WEF East Asia Forum in Seoul
President Lee Myung-bak invited 350 Korean and visiting delegates to ''the World Economic Forum on East Asia'' in Seoul... for a farewell reception... at the top office Friday.
There... President Lee called for regional collaboration to fight off climate change and the global economic recession.
He also reiterated his point that North Korea should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons... as it would trigger other East Asian countries to begin developing nuclear programs... in competition with one another.
Asian business leaders and politicians had gathered at the two-day conference... to discuss prevention of another economic crisis... and cooperation on green growth efforts.
Title : Korea's ICT Trade Surplus
Recent figures compiled by the OECD show... Korea at the top in terms of its trade surplus... for products related to information and communications technology.
Kim Na-ri has details.
Korea's exports in the information and communication technology... or ICT sector... marked the highest among major world economies for 2007... the year for which the latest figures are available.
According to reports released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on Friday... Korea's trade surplus in the ICT sector hit 43-point-3 billion US dollars in 2007... topping the figures of all other OECD member countries.
The figure increased from the previous year... in which the country's trade surplus was posted at 37-point-5 billion dollars.
Since 1996... Korea's trade surplus has increased by more than 10 percent each year.
The OECD report shows that only eight of the group's member nations marked trade surpluses in the ICT sector last year.
Korea was followed by Japan... which recorded 36-point-4 billion dollars in surplus... and Mexico... with 11-point-4 billion.
Other nations in (the) top eight included... Ireland, the Netherlands, Finland, Hungary and Slovakia.
The 22 other nations posted trade deficits... and the United States recorded the highest deficit... a surprisingly large 108-point-7 billion dollars... followed by Britain... at 31-point-1 billion.
Other nations that recorded trade deficit (deficits) were Spain, Canada, France and Australia.
Some industry watchers attributed... Korea's trade surplus in the ICT sector... to the country's competitiveness in technology.
And also the country's two largest electronics companies... Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics... have led the world... including in the global TV and cell phone handset markets.
Kim Na-ri, Arirang News.
Title : Asian Stocks Enjoy Premium
Korean companies are currently enjoying the benefits of premium share prices.
This is a sharp turnaround from just a few years ago... when stock prices were affected by relatively low brand value.
Lee Jee-won explains this further.
Korean stocks have long suffered from what's known as the ''Korea Discount.''
The term refers to the lowered value placed by foreign investors on Korean shares... due to the uncertainties facing the Korean economy... and the lack of transparency in corporate management.
But things have changed this year... with a number of listed Korean companies seeing their share values skyrocket.
Experts say... there are three main reasons behind the trend.
The main reason is that those companies have demonstrated phenomenal profit growth in recent years.
And worries over murky accounting practices among listed companies have decreased over the past decade.
Last but not least... foreign investors are growing less and less jittery over the threat of war on the Korean peninsula... as demonstrated by the rise in the Korea Composite Stock Price Index... despite continued acts of provocation by North Korea.
When the government and the national trade promotion body KOTRA held investment fairs in Singapore and Hong Kong last month... Korean officials prepared to answer questions regarding the impact of North Korea's nuclear test... on the Soth Korean financial markets.
But foreign investors were no longer interested in such questions.
Perhaps the best way to evaluate the rising value of Korean companies... is to look at their price-earnings ratios.
A higher P&E ratio means... that investors are willing to pay more for a company's share... relative to its income.
The ratio for Samsung Electronics... is more than 6 percent higher than that of Nokia... the world's largest mobile phone maker.
The P&E ratio of Korea's leading cosmetics brand Amore Pacific... is 39 percent higher than L'Oreal... the world's largest cosmetics company.
Reflecting the changed perceptions... the Lotte Department store replaced Chanel cosmetics at its nationwide stores and opted to bring in Amore Pacific's brand of Seolhwasoo... in February.
Corporate downsizing and other restructuring steps taken during the Asian financial crisis roughly a decade ago have made Korean companies stronger.
Experts say... the fruits of such efforts will become sweeter... after the world economy recovers from the current economic doldrum.
Lee Jee-won, Arirang News.
Title : Internet Phone Users Top 4 Million
The number of people using Internet phones in Korea has topped four million... just two years after the service was introduced to home users by LG Dacom.
Industry sources say... as of the end of last month... about four million Internet phones had been registered with five major service providers... including LG Dacom, KT and SK Broadband.
Analysts attribute the trend to marketing strategies by LG Dacom... which has offered attractive pricing plans... free calls between Internet phone users... and combined packages for broadband and Internet phone services.
And as a result... the company now holds more than half of the market share.
Title : Korea, the First Non-European Country to Join Eureka
Korea has become the first non-European country to join the Eureka program... a pan-EU network for market-oriented research and development.
Seoul's Ministry of Knowledge and Economy says... Vice Minister Rim Chae-min and the Portuguese Minister for Science and Technology... Jose Mariano Gago ... signed a partnership agreement... at the 24th Inter-parliamentary Eureka Conference... held in Lisbon.
Korea has acquired a position as an associate member of the network... and will be participating in five to ten joint r&d projects annually... over the next three years.
The Korean government will also invest 33 million euros... or about 58 billion won... in the program through 2012.
Title : Shipbuilding and Steel Sectors See Silver Lining
Korea's shipbuilding and steel industries appear to be faring well... amid the economic hardship worldwide... thanks to a rise in the number of overseas orders.
Park Jong-hong reports.
One of Korea's backbone industries, shipbuilding, has made a mark for itself so far into this year.
On Monday, STX Offshore & Shipbuilding... said it had won 340-million US dollars in orders to build tankers for an unidentified European company.
The total value is for eight tankers, including optional orders for four tankers which may be added after monitoring the building progress.
This is seen as a possible turning point in a stagnant shipbuilding market... where new orders have been drying up since late last year.
Earlier this year, Samsung Heavy Industries had won an order to build a marine plant, while STX and Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering each received orders for a marine testing ship and a barge.
But the latest order is the first this year for an oil tanker.
Also, in the steel sector, things are looking up.
The world's fourth-largest steelmaker, Korea's POSCO, recently hiked its export price, raising hopes within the industry of a recovery.
As domestic inventory goes down, steelmakers overall are raising the level of their factory operations.
POSCO reportedly raised the factory operating capacity to 82 percent as of the end of last month, up steadily from the 65 percent level in March.
Experts say... prompting such measures was the growing demand in China, which alone accounts for half of the world's steel demand.
In China, strong fiscal policies and incentives for consumers should they purchase cars and electronics goods... are said to be fueling the trend.
But despite the positive signs, some industry insiders express cautious optimism... saying it is too early to tell... whether the improving signals will herald a true silver lining in these tough times.
Park Jong-hong Arirang News.
Title : Iranian Protestors Show No Signs of Backing Down From Anti-Government Rallies
Given this week's anti-government protests in Iran... ruling theocrats are worried... that the civil unrest will boil over into a movement... that could eventually undermine their authority.
Nam Ki-yung has more.
Tens of thousands of anti-government protestors continue to stage street rallies in Tehran... and there is little sign that the civil unrest... the likes of which have not been seen in 30 years... will end anytime soon.
Supporters of Mir Hussein Mousavi... a former Iranian prime minister... and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's main rival in last week's presidential election... continue to wear the color green... a symbol of unity which has led some foreign journalists to begin calling the movement the ''green revolution.''
And a revolution... is exactly what the cleric-led Iranian government wants to prevent... by any and all means.
The ruling Islamic theocrats know first-hand... about the implications of revolution... because they are the ones... who spearheaded Iran's Islamic Revolution in 1979... which eventually led to the ousting of the country's shah.. and the establishment of the current regime.
Iran's current Supreme Leader... Ayatollah Ali Khamenei... who was one of the architects of the Islamic Revolution... gave his full support to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad immediately after the election results were announced.
But following the deaths of seven protesters on Monday... and escalating anti-Ahmadinejad protests... the supreme leader has ordered a partial recount of votes from last week's presidential election... hoping to curb some of the anger stemming from accusations of election fraud.
The now conservative insider-turned-opposition Mousavi... who claims that the election was fixed... is demanding that another vote be held.
In Iran... Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei... and a body of 12 clerics... known as the Guardian Council... command ultimate power over the government and military... overriding the authority of the nation's elected leaders.
An expert on the Middle East says... that Khamenei may feel hard-pressed to placate the protestors... in order to avert full-blown unrest... but at the same time he is worried that by giving in to the people... it would send a message.. and set a precedent... that the theocrats wish to avoid: namely... that popular protests can succeed.
Nam Ki-yung, Arirang News.
Title : At Least 18 Dead after Somali Boat Capsizes
And in the meantime, Khomeini has delivered a speech in Tehran... backing the official election outcome and calling for protest leaders to end their demonstrations... or else face consequences.
Moving on... the capsizing of a Somali boat carrying 88 refugees to Yemen... has led to the deaths of at least 18 people.
This is according to a statement... by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees... which says the boat left port on June 11th... and that turbulent weather conditions in the Gulf of Aden caused the tragedy four days later.
The statement also says... 22 people are still missing.
The Gulf of Aden is prone to such accidents... and this year alone... close to 150 people have drowned in the region.
Title : Pilot Dies During Flight in US
In the United States.
A Continental Airlines plane made an emergency landing at Newark Liberty International Airport... after one of its two pilots died... on board... while navigating the plane from Brussels to New York.
The 61-year-old captain reportedly died of an apparent heart attack.
He had been with the airline company for over 20 years.
As for the passengers... all 2-hundred-47 were unharmed.
They were unaware of the fatal event in the cockpit... prior to the emergency landing.
Title : Foreign Investors' Securities Outside Dealings to be Allowed
Korea's financial watchdog has decided to allow more foreign investors to participate in the domestic over-the-counter derivatives market.
Trades of these riskier derivatives are done directly between seller and buyer... rather than on an exchange like most securities.
The Financial Supervisory Service says... it will begin allowing foreign transactions... starting in mid-July... to make it easier for Korea to attract more foreign stock investments.
The service also decided to permit other securities dealings outside of formal exchange systems... as long as they are approved by the government or the courts.
Title : Most Korean Shares Up after Volatile Trading
Checking on the day's market action in Seoul...
Shares mostly managed to end higher this Friday... after the market fluctuated between gains and losses in volatile trading.
The benchmark KOSPI added a little more than seven and a half points... to finish at 1-thousand-383... while the tech-heavy KOSDAQ shed three points.
On the F-X counter... the Korean currency traded at 12-hundred-68 won against the US dollar.
Title : World News Roundup 6/19 - Day Edition
In India.
Vintage auto enthusiasts are offering children there... a chance to indulge in an unforgettable ride.
Sean Lim has Friday's world news roundup.
Elaborate railway carriages may be a thing of the past... but they are an important part of Indian history.
The steam locomotives of yesteryear are no longer a common experience for most people... but for students and tourists in India... they can still get a taste of old-time railcar charm... on a bus.
The Royal Vintage Carriage has been designed to look like a steam locomotive...
and inside... the furnishings take passengers back to the 1930s.
It carries its passengers on a journey through the streets of Mumbai.
Darayus Kabra... a vintage car enthusiast... came up with the idea... meant to recreate the romance of train travel... for urban residents and visitors alike.
For young student groups... the carriage has made for a popular field trip.
The youngsters say that taking a joyride in the Royal Vintage Carriage is the perfect escape from the daily routine of schoolwork.
Teachers say that it has been a great tool with which to teach their students.
But no matter one's age... all riders can allow themselves to be swept away by the illusion of steam train travel.
In Amsterdam... paintings of Russian tsars... and even their golden robes... are on display at the world-famous Hermitage museum... or at least... a newly renovated branch of the museum from Saint Petersburg.
The Hermitage has reinvented its location in the Netherlands... the place where the art collection... now numbering some 3 million pieces... originally started back in the time of the tzars.
Director Ernst Veen... says the relationship between the two countries became close long ago... when Peter the Great came to Amsterdam... adding that the tsar was a great fan of the lively cultural city... the place where he started to collect art.
His great love of Amsterdam's canals... inspired the design of St. Petersburg... the former capital city that still bears his name.
Dutch Queen Beatrix is related to the former Russian royal through her ancestor... Anna Paulowna.
The Hermitage Amsterdam was renovated at a cost of 40 million euros... and its opening ceremony will be attended by current Russian President... Dmitry Medvedev.
Fans of the old Tarzan movies and books now have a chance to show off their versions of the famous Tarzan yell... for a prize.
In Paris... the Quai Branley Museum's Tarzan exhibit is offering visitors a chance to win a trip to Africa... for the best Tarzan impersonation.
Pascal Debie... an ethnographer... and author of the Tarzan exposition catalogue... says no one knows where the yell came from.
She believes that it may have been actor Johnny Weissmuller's characterization in the 1930s Tarzan movies that made the signature sound famous.
The Tarzan character first appeared in the 1912 novel ''Tarzan of the Apes''.
Since then... over 42 movies... as well as numerous books... have featured the king of the jungle.
Tarzan contestants have until the end of September to win the Tarzan yelling challenge.
Sean Lim, Arirang News.
Title : World Sports Friday, June 19th
Continuing our roundup of world events... it's time to take a look at sports.
Here's Kim Young.
Happy Friday everyone and welcome to the Friday edition of World Sports...
With soccer madness with the two Koreas qualifying for the 2010 World Cup, there's more good news from South Korea's side...
Korean national team member Lee Keun-ho has contacted his now former team, Iwata Jubilo and has made his move to the French club Paris Saint-Germain permenant.
According to his contract with Iwata Jubilo, Lee was to play with the team until the end of this year but if an offer from the European league surfaced they were to reach an agreement, and an agreement with no extra fees was reached...
Play became suspended for the day at the US Open because of too much water on the greens with over half the field of one hundred fifty-six yet to even tee off the first hole.
Organizers were optimistic the rains would cease by early afternoon but mother nature wasn't cooperating...
Just over three hours of golf was played under disturbing skies at Bethpage Black before play was actually suspended and currently, nearly unknown American golfer Jeff Brehaut is leading the pack after leven holes...
Returning champion Tiger Woods who is in pursuit of his fifteenth major was one over after six holes...
More rain and thunderstorms have been forecast in the area for the next four days and unless there is a miracle, there may be little chance of completing the second round before Saturday...
Champion Rafael Nadal's Wimbledon participation is still in the air after his first outing on grass in twelve months did not go as he anticipated...
Tendinitis in Nadal's knees has been troubling the world number one since being knocked out of the French Open in the fourth round last month...
Nadal struggled just to keep up with Australian, Lleyton Hewitt during an exhibition match and ended up losing six-four, six-three...
The twenty-three year old will decide wheter to play at Wimbledon after taking part in a second exhibition match, this time against Stanislas Wawrinka.
Whatever the case, during his match against Hewitt, Nadal barely resembled the man who ended Federer's Wimbledon reign last July...
Manchester United great Bobby Charlton said the fee the club have accepted for Cristiano Ronaldo's buy out from Real Madrid is ''vulgar'' and also added Ronaldo would eventually regret leaving Old Trafford...
Charlton also was confident Alex Ferguson would find suitable replacement without much trouble but at the same time regretted the loss of the star player...
Charlton played for Manchester from 1956 to 1976 and scored two hundred forty nine goals in seven hundred fifty eight games...
A legend speaks out...
I think the money involved in any professional sports takes out some of the passion in the game and puts in a bit of distrust in betrayal...
Hopefully the game itself will remain pure...
Thank you for watching, have a great weekend...
Title : weather.june19
With the rain starting tonight in parts of Gyeonggi Province, Korea is in store for a very wet weekend. We can even expect thunder and lightening during the afternoon. The central regions will start things off with the rain starting early dawn. The rain clouds will spread out to reach the southern regions by evening. Do take extra caution when driving under these stormy conditions topped off with strong winds... especially through the patches of fog in the morning.
Tomorrow will be slightly cooler than today... Seoul can expect about 40 to 80 mm of rain throughout the weekend at around 22 to 24 degrees. Daegu, Gwangju, and Busan are with a lighter load at 10 to 40 mm... all in the mid to high 20s.
Daejeon's got 30 to 60 mm, hitting 24. Jeju Island's rain will arrive at night after a very hot day at 31 to accumulate about 10-40 mm. Dokdo islets maintaining a 22 high and Mt. Geumgang, 21.
Beijing's all cleared up for Saturday at a hot 34. The rain clouds are moving over to Tokyo to hit by Sunday afternoon. Out in Islamabad, got the perpetual strong winds at 40 for the peak.
The rain and thunder in Perth will continue until Sunday with tomorrow's range of 8 to 17 dropping to 3 to 14. Melbourne's got morning showers for an overcast rest of the day, while Sydney's rain will continue to fall all throughout the weekend.
Canada's still wet and gray. The east coast isn't much different with the stormy and flooded conditions in Washington DC at 31 for the high. Got a mostly sunny Saturday for Chicago though... similar to Los Angeles with a few clouds at 16 to 22.
More rain down south... Santiago's at 3 to 7 tomorrow, warming up to hit 17 the following day. Buenos Aires at 18 for the afternoon. The low of 8 will drop to 3 on Sunday so do dress a bit warmer for that.
Berlin's drying up for Saturday with a sun and cloud mix. Rome, however, is with some afternoon rain and thunder at 25. Western Europe's looking nice and mild for the weekend around 19 for the high... though Madrid's hotter at 32.
Dakar's still with a bit of rain and morning thunder activity. The rest of Africa's looking nice with mostly sun. Cairo's scorching like usual at 37, while Cape Town's much cooler at 19 for the high.
Well, that's all I got this week. Have a fabulous weekend and see you back Monday.
Title : Government to Compensate for Past False Treason Accusations
The Seoul Central District Court has ruled that the government should pay for false accusations of treason made back in 1975... involving 25 people who opposed the military dictatorship.
The victims were acquitted in 2007 of Central Intelligence Agency accusations and related court sentences... for conspiracy to overthrow the government... but only after eight capital punishment executions were carried out.
With Friday's decision... surviving victims and families of the deceased... are entitled to total compensation of about 235 billion won.
The court says although the legal period for the lawsuit had expired... it should recognize victims' claims against the government's unconstitutional acts... that violated human rights.
Title : 4 Public Agency Heads Under Fire for Inefficient Management
The finance ministry has evaluated the management practices of over 90 public institutions for 2008... and says 24 were rated as ''good'' and 64 ''mediocre''.
None of them scored at the highest level of over 90 points... out of 100.
As a result... the ministry... in a proposal submitted to the Presidential Office... recommended that the heads of the four most inefficient institutions be replaced.
And close to 23 percent of public agency heads have been warned or are on the verge of losing their positions.
The evaluation result is also expected to affect their bonus payments.
Finance Minister Yoon Jeung-hyun said... he hopes the latest results will prompt more aggressive reform of state-run agencies.
Title : 50-Thousand Won Notes Likely to Replace 100-Thousand Won Checks
The country's new 50-thousand won notes are expected to virtually replace the 100-thousand-won personal check.
Banks are also welcoming the expected decrease in the use of the checks... as printing and managing costs come to about 2-hundred-80 billion won per year.
100-thousand-won checks account for nearly 90 percent of the total circulation of all checks.
The new 50-thousand-won banknotes will also likely reduce the circulation of 10-thousand -won notes... by about 40 percent.
The 10-thousand-won banknote's reign as the highest-denominated bill in Korea... comes to an end on Tuesday... when the 50-thousand won note hits the market.
Title : KCTV: Lava Cave Discovered in Jeju
Another lava tube was recently discovered at a world natural heritage site on Jeju Island.
The spectacular cave formation is said to be 300-thousand years old... and adds to the volcanic island's many natural sites.
Ashleigh Gibson from Jeju partner station KCTV has more.
About 40 meters away from Dangcheomul Cave in Gujwa-eup, Jeju City along the seaside, a lava tube which hasn't been discovered for 300-thousand years finally revealed its magnificent features.
A great number of speleothem resembling soda straws display a vestige of time and tide, and they are still growing little by little by drops of water.
About 4-thousand-year-old stalactites connected with stalagmites and became stone pillars, golden colored soda straws and stone pillars make spectacular scenes in harmony.
Stalagmites which haven't been touched by anyone yet, maintain their natural yellow color.
Mysterious looking stalagmites are set up in various types.
Moist formations seem to be breathing as if they were alive.
[INTERVIEW : Jeon Yong-moon,Jeju World Natural Heritage Sites Management Office] ''Lava cave carbonates such as stalactites, stone pillars, and stalagmites are well developed, and they are really densely distributed. Lava caves are usually made of black basalt, but this one is mostly yellowish, because of the presence of carbonates. Therefore, the cave shines brightly when lit.
The newly found cave is estimated to be formed about 300 thousand years ago.
Experts assume that after the cave was made, calcium carbonates got into the inside of it by rainwater, which made the cave into a type of lime cave.
It is 100 meters long, with a maximum height of 1-point-8 meters, and width of 5 meters, academics estimate the measure of the total area inside the cave as 500 square meters.
The name of the cave will be Woljeong Namjimi Cave according to the name of the region that it was found.
An addition to Jeju Geomun Oreum Lava Tube System, the discovery of the new cave has great importance in the scenic and academic field and is heightening the value of the volcanic island as a world natural heritage site.
Ashleigh Gibson, KCTV.
Title : Musical Chonggakne Vegetable Store
Vegetable stores and musicals... two concepts normally not even close to being in the same ballpark with each other.
And yet... now they are sharing the stage.
A musical is currently playing in Seoul that tells the real story of a successful chain of vegetable stores in Korea.
Here's more on a refreshingly unusual storyline.
Interested in watching a refreshing performance?
A performance where you can snack on free fruits and vegetables?
A performance where you can meet five young, handsome bachelors?
If your answer is yes, then welcome to the ''Chonggakne Vegetable Store.''
[INTERVIEW : Audience member] ''That was amazing.''
[INTERVIEW : Audience member] ''This musical got the audience involved. It was very amusing and I loved how the show consisted of many different stories.''
The creative musical, ''Chonggakne Vegetable Store,'' has been entertaining a theater full of musical goers since it opened.
Over 10 tracks have been added to a solid storyline to enhance the show's overall content.
[INTERVIEW : Kim Jeong-hun,Plays role of bachelor in Chonggakne Vegetable Store ] ''You can't eat inside other theaters, but our audience members can munch on fruit as they watch our entertaining show.''
The actors show the audience how to pick out ripe grocery items, and also sing about traveling all over Korea.
It's amusing to see and hear about Korean delicacies in the form of rhythmic tunes.
The musical ''Chonggakne Vegetable Store'' is based on the true story of the man who first started this real-life vegetable store.
The Chonggakne franchise has become very successful in Korea, thanks to the founder's innovative marketing strategies.
[INTERVIEW : Gu Ok-bun,Plays role of reporter in Chonggakne Vegetable Store ] ''Chonggakne Vegetable Store is about the dreams and passion of youth. People seem to sympathize with the storyline and are encouraged by the show's positive energy. We are receiving many invitations to perform.''
This creative musical is about what young people aspire to be and what they want to achieve in life.
The positive storyline is enough to attract plenty of musical goers, but times are tough for many people in Korea, so ticket prices have been discounted putting a smile on everyone's face.
Unlike large-scale musicals with solid financial backing and a star-studded cast, ''Chonggakne Vegetable Store'' meets the public in a small theater to remind audiences of all the small joys in life.
[INTERVIEW : Won Jong-won, Musical critic] ''You can get very intimate with the audience. The actors can communicate and interact with the audience members and in this musical there's lively exchange between the two. It's a creative small theater show, where everyone can share and cherish the joy of life.''
As the five main characters speak of their dreams, loves, passions and organic vegetables, you can't help but feel pure hope and optimism growing from the bottom of your heart.
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