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Whose 관계대명사 Whose 관계대명사로 올 때 꼭 헷갈리는 경우가 생긴다. 예문들을 챙겨보자. He is in charge of contacting all major korean banks ----- main headquarters are located in Euljiro. Do you think it is "whose" or "where" ? It's " Whose " [일반]My brother, whose major was economics, is a professor of university. (출처:두산 동아) 내 동생은 전공이 경제학인데 대학 교수이다. [일반]She is the kind of person whose personality is always cheerful. (출처:YBM) 그녀는 성격이 항상 명..
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AS TO whether or not she should open her own shop in NY as to 가끔씩 보일 때마다 정확한 쓰임새에 자신이 없다. 익숙해지자 as to ~에 관해 as to this matter 이 건에 관하여 as to something ~에 관해서는[~은] as regards something As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary. 세금은, 당신 급료에서 공제됩니다. so as to do something ~하기 위해서[~하려고] We went early so as to get good seats. 우리는 좋은 자리를 잡기 위해서 일찍 갔다. go so/as far as to… (극단적으로, 또는 놀랍게도) …하기까지 하다 I wouldn't go as far as to say that he's a liar. 그를 거..
Had I known [ If I had known ] I would never have done .... 가정법 과거 항상 헷갈리는 것 문장으로 익숙해지자 [일반]Had I known[If I had known] his address, I wouldn’t have done it. (출처:두산 동아) 만약 내가 그의 주소를 알았더라면 그것을 하지 않았을 텐데. [일반]The stranger began to open out after he had known us. (출처:두산 동아) 그 낯선 사람은 우리를 알고 나서부터 터놓고 이야기하기 시작했다. [일반]If I had known it earlier I would have prepared a smorgasborg then. (출처:능률교육) 미리 알았었다면 바이킹요리를 준비했을 텐데. [일반]If only I had known his address, I wou..
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